A study was conducted on the possible transmission of the bean common blight pathogen X. phaseoli (= X. campestris) (Xp) in seed of resistant P. acutifolius (tepary bean), and in P. vulgaris genotypes ''Great Northern'' (G. N.) Nebraska # 1 selection 27, cultivar (G. N.) Valley, cultivar (G. N.) Jules, and breeding line MSU-51319 (all moderately resistant) and cultivars Tuscola and Seafarer (both susceptible). Field-grown plants were inoculated by scratching the dorsal suture of pods at the flat green stage of development with a syringe containing a suspension of R15-1 (an Xp mutant resistant to 50 ppm rifampin) at 10 colony-forming units per milliliter. At normal maturity, only susceptible ''Tuscola'' had typical bacterial blight symptoms. Internally borne blight bacteria were isolated in both solid and liquid rifampin-containing media. Mutant R15-1 was recovered from 40, 42, 46, 51, 42 and 70% of seeds with any type of visible symptoms of internal blight infection in the genotypes tepary, Nebraska # 1 selection 27, ''Valley'', ''Jules'', MSU-51319, and ''Tuscola'', respectively. Mutant R15-1 also were recovered from 1.3, 2.0, 1.3, 1.9, 2.0, and 10.4% of symptomless seeds of the same genotypes, respectively. Tests to detect seed-borne bacterial blight should be included in production programs for certified, blight-free seed of all dry bean cultivars.

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