Thev3andv4interacting bands of HNO3line positions and line intensities

Very high resolution Fourier transform spectra of HNO3 recorded in the 1230–1370 cm-1 spectral region have been extensively analysed leading to precise line positions and intensities for the v 3 and v 4 bands of this molecule. Then, using a hamiltonian which takes explicitly into account the Fermi and Coriolis resonances between these two bands, it has been possible to reproduce satisfactorily the majority of the v 3 and v 4 interacting rotational levels. Moreover resonances due to unobserved vibrorotational levels are discussed. Intensities of 218 individual transitions belonging to the v 3 and v 4 bands were measured allowing a precise determination of the constants involved in the expansion of the corresponding transition moment operators. Finally a complete synthetic spectrum of the v 3 and v 4 bands of HNO3 has been computed.

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