A new dedicated stent and delivery system for the treatment of bifurcation lesions: Preliminary experience

We report the first clinical experience in eight patients with a new stent and delivery system specifically designed for the treatment of bifurcational lesions. The device (AST SLK-View system) consists of a premounted stent and a delivery system. The stent has a side aperture, which orients toward the ostium of the side branch. The system allows deployment of the stent while the access to both main and side branches is maintained by two wires. We evaluated this system in nine bifurcations. The location of bifurcations was left descending artery/diagonal branch in four lesions, left circumflex/obtuse marginal branch in three lesions, and postero-lateral branch/posterior descending artery in two lesions. Predilation was performed in six lesions of the main branches and in five lesions of the side branches. The stent was effectively delivered to all bifurcations except for one, in which the target lesion was located at a distal segment and the device could not be delivered. Following stent implantation in the main branch, two lesions at the side branches were treated by stent, while the other lesions were treated by balloon angioplasty without difficulty. Final kissing balloon was performed in four bifurcation lesions. No adverse event was observed during 1 month of clinical follow-up. Treatment of bifurcation lesions with this new dedicated device appears to be feasible. This new device may introduce a new approach for the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions.