Evidence for selective mortality inChlamys varia(L.) transplant experiments

Two hundredChlamys varia(L.) from Roskeeda Bay (W. Ireland) and Lough Hyne (S. Ireland) were collected and labelled in December 1979. One hundred individuals from the L. Hyne sample were then transferred to Roskeeda; similarly, 100 Roskeeda scallops were transferred to L. Hyne. At each site 100 indigenous scallops were held as controls.After a period of approximately 1 year, survivors at each site were scored at 13 enzyme/protein loci using starch gel electrophoresis. Significant genetic differences were observed at thePgmandLaploci between native L. Hyne and native Roskeeda scallops. These differences persisted between surviving Roskeeda scallops (92% of the original sample) transferred to L. Hyne. However, after one year L. Hyne scallops transferred to Roskeeda (61% of original sample) did not differ significantly from indigenous Roskeeda scallops. Possible reasons for the observed selective mortality at this site are discussed.