Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Ischemic Bowel in Rabbit Model

Acute mesenteric ischemic bowel disease is a common yet complex disorder with high morbidity and mortality rates predominantly caused by delayed diagnosis. We examined the role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the early detection of small bowel ischemia using the rabbit model. Surgical ligation of the appropriate arterial vascular supply to the ileum of 10 rabbits produced the ischemic compromise. The animals were imaged at different time intervals after the arterial occlusion. Multislice, T1 and T2-weighted images were obtained in axial and coronal planes. Abnormal findings of the dearterialized segment of bowel were visualized as early as 45 minutes after vascular occlusion. The findings consisted of: (1) bowel wall thickening, (2) two- to three-fold increase in signal intensity from bowel on T2-weighted images, and (3) isointensity or slightly increased signal intensity within the bowel wall on T1-weighted images. MRI appears to be a sensitive, noninvasive technique for the early detection of bowel ischemia in the rabbit animal model.