The blood–nerve barrier in Wallerian degeneration: A sequential long‐term study

The blood–nerve barrier (BNB) for serum proteins was studied after a crush lesion of the murine sciatic nerve or after transsection with persistent Wallerian degeneration. Using single intraperitoneal injections of biotinylated human albumin, transferrin, IgG, and complement components as tracers, the integrity of the BNB during degeneration and regeneration was determined over time. In Wallerian degeneration induced by crush the BNB became increasingly leaky, with a maximum in the distal stump 8 days after crush (i.e., during early regeneration). When regeneration potentials could first be elicited from the small foot muscles and when thinly myelinated nerve fibers were present, the BNB gradually regained its barrier function and was nearly intact on day 30 after crush. After transsection breakdown of the BNB persisted beyond 30 days. The BNB leakage may foster repair by allowing exchange of trophic factors of large molecular size during nerve regeneration.