Simplified Treatment for Strong Short-Range Repulsions inN-Particle Systems. I. General Theory

A new variational approach is developed for studying the properties of systems of particles interacting through singular short-range repulsions that give rise to strong two-particle correlations. The correlated trial function Ψγ=eSΦγ (state γ) results, with proper choice of S, in a simple form for the energy expectation value H—as well as for other matrix elements of interest—which is devoid of all reference to the strong repulsions except through e2S factors and hence is particularly suited to calculation. In many cases an independent-particle type Φγ seems appropriate. The cluster evaluation of this form for H is discussed, both in the few-particle and many-particle cases. Using the techniques of Iwamoto and Yamada, simplified convergent cluster expansions for the energy expectation value are derived for many-fermion and many-boson systems. A program for application of this method to nuclear problems is being initiated.