A multichannel neural probe for selective chemical delivery at the cellular level

A bulk-micromachined multichannel silicon probe capable of selectively delivering chemicals at the cellular level as well as electrically recording from and stimulating neurons in vivo has been developed. The process buries multiple flow channels in the probe substrate, resulting in a hollow-core device, Microchannel formation requires only one mask in addition to those normally used for probe fabrication and is compatible with on-chip signal-processing circuitry. Flow in these microchannels has been studied theoretically and experimentally. For an effective channel diameter of 10 /spl mu/m, a channel length of 4 mm, and water as the injected fluid, the flow velocity at 11 torr is about 1.3 mm/s, delivering 100 pl in 1 s. Intermixing of chemicals, with the tissue fluid due to natural diffusion through the outlet orifice becomes significant for dwell times in excess of about 30 min, and a shutter is proposed for chronic use. The probe has been used for acute monitoring of the neural responses to various chemical stimuli in guinea pig superior and inferior colliculus.