Polarized proton capture by deuterium and theH2(p, γ)He3astrophysicalSfactor

The H2(p, γ)He3 reaction has been studied in the energy region Ep=800 keV (Ec.m.=53.30 keV), where the quantities measured were σ(θ, E) and Ay(θ, E). Our result for the total H2(p, γ)He3 S factor at E=0 is S(0)=0.121±0.012 eV b (including systematic error), which is 52% lower than the presently accepted value. Some astrophysical aspects of this result are discussed. We have also extracted the E1 and M1 S(E) components using our detailed angular distribution data. These data will provide sensitive tests for three-body calculations which include Coulomb and meson exchange current effects.

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