—A basic protein, soluble in 0·1 m‐perchloric acid, has been purified from brain of Macaca irus. The protein is homogeneous as indicated by ultracentrifugation, gel filtration, gel isoelectric focusing and gel electrophoresis at pH 2·9, 4·3 and 7·5. The molecular weight is estimated to be 16,000 by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gels. This result is in agreement with the value of 16,728 obtained from the amino acid analysis. The protein dimerizes under alkaline conditions. The predominant amino acid is glycine (15%) and the protein also contains 4% cysteine. The ratio of acidic to basic amino acids is 1·6, but a high amide content gives the protein a basic character. An isoelectric point of 9·5 is observed in gel isoelectric focusing.