Development of an Acceptable Factor To Estimate Chronic End Points From Acute Toxicity Data

Acceptable daily intake (ADI) values are routinely developed for threshold toxicants from NOAELs determined from human or animal chronic or subchronic data. These NOAELs are then divided by appropriate uncertainty factors ranging from 10 to 1000 depending on the quality of the data. However, for the vast majority of chemicals used industrially, adequate toxicity data needed to use this process are not available. Thus, a procedure to estimate a chronic toxicity endpoint from acute toxicity data, such as an oral rat LD50, becomes necessary. An acute-to-chronic application factor of 0.0001 was developed, which when multiplied by an oral LD50 for an individual chemical, yields a surrogate chronic NOAEL. This figure can then be used to estimate an acceptable daily exposure for humans. The process used to estimate this application factor is detailed.