Response of astrocytoma to high-dose methotrexate with citrovorum factor rescue

Eleven patients with astrocytoma were treated with high-dose methotrexate (HDMTX) and citrovorum factor rescue (CFR). Clinical response was observed in eight patients, including four of four with grade 3 disease, one of one with grade 2 to 3, two of four with grade four, and one of one with unspecified low-grade tumor. Two patients with grade 4 and one with grade 1 disease failed to respond. Six of the eight responses were documented radiographically. Three of these patients are alive and well without further treatment for periods of 15+, 4.5+, and 1.5+ years. The fourth living patient is surviving 2+ years and improving under continued treatment. The four surviving patients had recurrent grade 2 to 3 or grade 3 disease. HDMTX-CFR is effective in astrocytoma. Its greatest value may be in recurring grade 3 disease.