Effect of Feeding Permutit Z on Mineral Metabolism of Rats

The addition of 10% Permutit Z to a relatively low Na-low mineral diet caused a very rapid wt. loss. This loss was counteracted by the addition in sufficient amt. of any of the cations studied, Na, K, Ca, or Mg. Na and K were equally effective in counteracting the wt. loss, while much larger amts. of Ca and Mg were required. The data indicate that if sufficient amts. of any cation are added, all others are released or not bound in amts. that impair rapid growth. The use of wt. changes in rats is proposed as a simple rapid assay for studying the relation of dosage of resin to the mineral content of the diet. Balance studies showed that the ratio of Na to K removed by the resin was similar to the ratio of these cations in the diet, rather than the ratio in the intestinal fluids. On low Na diets there appears to be little preferential binding of Na, and it is concluded that Na depletion without K depletion can probably only be obtained by special precautions, i.e, periodic K dosage, to assure an adequate K supply. On the other hand, an adequate supply of Ca and Mg can apparently be obtained during depletion of the monovalent cations. Negative balance of all 4 cations was obtained when sufficient amts. of exchange resfn were fed.