Studies on the phospholipid-splitting enzyme of Vibrio E1 Tor

A phospholipid-splitting enzyme of Vibrio El Tor has been characterized as a phospholipase B (lysolecithinase). The enzyme is secreted during the late log phase of growth; no further increase in the excretion was observed during the stationary phase. The enzyme was isolated from the culture filtrates by (NH4)2 SO4 fractionation between 50 and 75% saturation; and some of the properties of the enzyme preparation were studied. This Vibrio El Tor lysolecithinase has a Ph optimum at 8*0, and it is fairly stable towards inactivation by heat. The enzyme is inhibited by high concentrations of substrate. It is fairly insensitive to the action of metal ions but is inhibited by Zn++ (m[image]) to the extent of about 40%.