Rate nephelometric measurement of rheumatoid factor in serum.

We describe the measurement of rheumatoid factor in human sera with a rate nephelometer. The National Reference Preparation for Rheumatoid Factors is used to calibrate the assay in International Units. We used Hyland Positive Control, Level I, as a secondary standard. The standard curve is exponential, but is linear when plotted on log-log graph paper. Aggregated immune globulin (IgG) is the antigen used to detect rheumatoid factor (IgM-class antibody to IgG). The rate reaction measures the rate of increase in light-scatter by the antigen-antibody complexes; the reaction takes place in 17 to 20 s. Precision, linearity, and accuracy are excellent. Results agree well with those for a commonly used latex precipitation test. The advantages of speed, quantification in International Units, and superior discrimination of concentration as compared to serological titration provide a more reliable test for use in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

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