Terpenes emitted from agricultural species found in California's Central Valley

More than a dozen monoterpenes have been identified as emissions from agricultural and natural plant species occupying large acreages in the Central Valley of California, including as dominant emissions camphene, 2‐carene, Δ3‐carene, limonene, myrcene, trans‐ocimene, β‐phellandrene, α‐pinene, β‐pinene, sabinene, γ‐terpinene, and terpinolene. Isoprene was not a significant emission from any of the crop species examined but was emitted by a Valley Oak. In addition to the monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes were emitted from approximately one third of the species investigated, in some cases at higher levels than the monoterpene emissions from the same plant. The possible contributions of these biogenic emissions to the ozone exceedances in the Central Valley should be considered in planning future emission control strategies.