A detailed description of a method of estimating leucine aminopeptidase is given. By the use of this method, leucine aminopeptidase has been estimated in the uterus and vagina of castrated rats after the administration of oestradiol, and also in the uterus of infantile mice after the administration of human menopausal gonadotrophin. In addition, the presence of a protease hydrolysing nitrocasein has been demonstrated in the vagina of castrated oestradiol-treated rats. The administration of oestradiol or human menopausal gonadotrophin respectively induced a statistically significant depression of leucine aminopeptidase activity in the uterus. In the vagina of castrated rats, leucine aminopeptidase and the decomposition rate of nitrocasein showed the same tendency following administration of oestradiol; statistically, however, only some of the results are significant. These data are discussed and compared with others described in the literature.