Video analysis of chemotactic locomotion of stored human polymorphonuclear leukocytes

Previous studies of the storage of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) have used an empirical approach to define “optimal” conditions. To date, no storage conditions have been described which satisfactorily preserve the chemotactic function of PMNs beyond 24 h. In an effort to define the precise nature of the storage lesion, we studied the chemotactic locomotion of freshly isolated PMNs and PMNs which had been suspended in citrate-phosphate-dextrose-adenine (CPD-Al) plasma and stored in PVC bags, at 20–22°C for 24 h. We used time-lapse video recording and computer image analysis to quantitate the motion of PMNs migrating under agarose. The positions of individual motile cells were traced at 1-min intervals for 5 min. The following parameters were used to quantitate migration: (1) speed (distance/min), (2)) persistence of locomotion index (velocity/speed), (3) orientation angle (the angle of the vector describing the next displacement of a cell relative lo a direct line toward the chemoattractant), and (4) chemotropic index (cosine of the orientation angle). After 24 h of storage, the following changes were observed: (1) fewer cells migrated, (2) (he speed of migrating cells was reduced by 25%, (3) the persistence of locomotion index decreased by 7%, which indicates that migrating cells made slightly more/wider turns, and (4) the chemotropic index was decreased by 30%, which indicates that migrating cells were less accurate in their orientation toward the chemoattractant. Apparently, the storage of PMNs selectively impairs the ability of some cells to orient accurately in a chemotactic gradient and changes the distribution of these locomotor parameters within the population.