Tumorigenicity of herpesvirus-transformed cells correlates with production of plasminogen activator.

Our studies first demonstrated that established hamster cell lines transformed in vitro by herpesviruses activate plasminogen more effectively than normal hamster fibroblasts. This ability is probably due to increased levels of the enzyme plasminogen activator (PA). In the studies described here, the 333-8-9 cell line, originally transformed by herpes simplex virus type 2 strain 333, was used to derive subclonal lines that maintained stable PA phenotypes over the course of long in vitro passage. We were interested in correlating tumor formation by the subclones with their fibrinolytic capacity. Cells were, therefore, single-cell subcloned twice, and resulting cultures were tested for ability to activate plasminogen in vitro. PA activity was then quantitated by [125I]fibrin lysis assay, and high- and low-activity subclones were isolated; these retained high- or low-activity phenotypes. Syngeneic newborn hamsters were inoculated with these subclones and observed for the appearance of palpable tumors. A strong correlation between enzyme activity and tumor formation was observed in four separate trials; animals receiving high-PA subclones developed tumors more rapidly than those inoculated with the parental cell line. Tumors were also excised from test animals, and the cell lines established from the tumors were tested in vitro at different passages for their ability to activate plasminogen. These tumor cells were then reinoculated into syngeneic animals to confirm the tumorigenicity of cell lines with high fibrinolytic activity. In these experiments, the positive correlation between PA production and tumorigenicity was confirmed.