Lifetime andg-factor measurements of yrast states inNd134andNd136

We report on the measurement of lifetimes and magnetic moments of yrast states in Nd134 and Nd136. Lifetimes in the 10100 ps range were measured via the recoil distance Doppler shift method applied to the reactions Pd110 (28,30Si,4n) at 120125 MeV beam energy. Magnetic moments of the 21+ state in Nd134 and the 10+ and 12+ yrast states in Nd136 were deduced from the integral Larmor precessions measured after recoil implantation in a magnetized nickel foil, via the reactions Ge76 (62,64Ni,4n). The 10+ backbending state in Nd136 results from h11/2 proton (two quasiparticle) alignment. The paramagnetic relaxation time of Nd in nickel was measured by Coulomb excitation and implantation of Nd148(21+).