Morphological and ultrastructural aspects ofBranchiobdella pentodonta Whit. (Annelida, oligochaeta) suckers

The muscular system in the posterior sucker of Branchiobdella pentodonta Whit. has circular, longitudinal and radial fibers. In the anterior sucker, which has circular and longitudinal fibers, the muscle system is scarce. Concentric fibers are found around the mouth. In both suckers the glandular elements form voluminous complexes secreting mucus for attachment to the substrate. Suckers show neuromuscular junctions and three distinct types of neuroglandular junctions: one with typical neurosecretory granules, one with larger neurosecretory granules produced by cells located at the origin of the segmental nerves, and one with presynaptic vesicles. The second type is peculiar to the posterior sucker. A comparison is made between suckers of Branchiobdella and those of leeches.