Control of Normal Differentiation of Myeloid Leukemic Cells to Macrophages and Granulocytes

Cells from a myeloid leukemic line in culture can be induced by the differentiation-inducing protein MGI to form colonies with normal differentiation to mature macrophages and granulocytes. This line consisted of clones that can be induced to undergo normal cell differentiation (D+ clones) and clones (D- clones) that were not inducible. D+ clones were able to undergo differentiation to both macrophages and granulocytes. Normal differentiation was induced even in clones that were no longer diploid. D+ clones can segregate some D- progeny, and D- clones can segregate some D+ progeny. This, therefore, provides a system for studies on the genetic and chemical control of cell differentiation in leukemic cells.