Consistent set of heavy actinide multigroup cross sections. [/sup 242/Pu to /sup 253/Es]

A consistent set of multigroup neutron cross sections was developed for nuclides in the production chain from /sup 242/Pu to /sup 253/Es. Initial multigroup data sets were derived from ENDF/B and existing Savannah River evaluated data libraries; where differential data were lacking, resonance-region model calculations and measured integral cross sections were used to fabricate the energy-dependent multigroup data. The evaluated multigroup cross section data were utilized in reactor calculations to predict yields for several experimental test measurements and long-term reactor irradiations in flux spectra of varying hardness. The calculations with the JOSHUA system reproduce the reactor environment as a function of time and predict the concentrations of actinide nuclides in the chain. Multigroup cross section data were modified within the experimental uncertainties until predicted nuclide concentrations matched experimental results within reasonable limits over the range of neutron flux spectra.

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