Temperature Dependence of the Ferromagnetic Resonance Linewidth of Europium Sulfide

The temperature dependence of the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth of highly polished single-crystal spheres of EuS was measured in the range from 2.2° to 30°K, using standard microwave techniques at a frequency of 22.65 GHz. The linewidth increases from ∼5 Oe at 2.2°K to ∼400 Oe at the Curie point, and continues to increase in the paramagnetic range to a value of 1000 Oe at 78°K. The linewidth varies linearly with reciprocal magnetization from 2.2° to 18°K, as predicted by the Landau-Lifshitz equation and can be characterized by a temperature-independent microphysical damping constant, λ, equal to 1.9±0.09×108 rad/sec within this temperature range.