Eighty-two per cent of 12 1/2-day genital ridges from strain 129 fetuses developed testicular teratomas when transplanted to adult testes. This is a much higher incidence than that which occurs spontaneously. This effect was not observed in testes derived from 12 1/2-day genital ridges grafted to spleens of adults nor in intratesticular 13 1/2-day genital ridges. The site of origin of teratomas and the stage of development of development of primordial germ cells from which these tumors are derived play strong roles in teratocarcinogenesis. The primordial germ cell passes through a developmental stage from 12 1/2 to 13 1/2 days of fetal life which markedly alters its susceptibility to this process. Genital ridges of sub lines of strain 129 are susceptible to varying degrees, but genital ridges from other strains do not develop teratomas under these conditions. The genotype of the host also plays a role, but it is weak. Strain 129 genital ridges develop teratomas when grafted to the testes of foreign strains. This model will be used to investigate various factors involved in teratocarcinogenesis in mive.

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