There is ample evidence that the transition from an explosive eruption regime to an effusive regime can be due to magma losing gas to fractured country rock during ascent towards the surface. This is shown by the deuterium: hydrogen isotopic ratios and dissolved water contents of erupted samples, and by various petrological observations. Field studies demonstrate that the walls of an eruption conduit are fractured and penetrated by veins infilled with vesicular pyroclasts and ash. At Mule Creek, New Mexico, USA, a fossil eruption conduit filled with lava can be studied over a height of 300 m. The gas volume fraction exhibits complex variations with height and with horizontal distance from the walls, which is not compatible with closed system degassing. Lava close to the conduit walls is almost devoid of vesicles, showing that gas escape has been efficient. Gas flow through liquid magma may be achieved through fractures or through connected bubbles. Theoretical flow models which account for gas loss through conduit walls show that eruptive behaviour is very sensitive to the eruption rate and to the chamber pressure. A gradual decrease of chamber pressure, due to withdrawal of magma, leads to a transition from explosive to effusive conditions. Conversely, a gradual increase of chamber pressure, due to reinjection from a deeper source of magma, leads to a transition from effusive to explosive conditions. The initiation and propagation of gas-filled fractures during an ongoing eruption may be detected seismically. This chapter puts together several independent pieces of evidence in a coherent framework and includes a discussion of unresolved questions.