Reproducibility of home spirometry in children with newly diagnosed asthma

We evaluated the reproducibility of home spirometry in 110 children aged 5–10 years with newly diagnosed asthma according to the criteria proposed by the American Thoracic Society (level of reproducibility ≤5%). Flow-volume spirometry was performed in the clinic. Spirometric values were then monitored twice daily at home for 24 days (mean), using a novel device, the Vitalograph® Data Storage Spirometer (Vitalograph, Ltd., Buckingham, UK). During this period, the mean (SD) compliance in performing the spirometric tests was 94% (7). In the whole study population, the mean (SD) percentage of reproducible spirometric measurements was 77% (17), although there was wide individual variation (range, 21–100%). In the 5–6-year age group (n = 51), the mean (SD) percentage of reproducible spirometric values was 72.8% (18.6), in the 7–8-year group (n = 38) 77.1% (13.8), and in the 9–10-year group (n = 21) 84.5% (13.7) analysis of variance, P = 0.02). We conclude that most of the children aged 5–10 years could perform reproducible spirometric tests during home monitoring, although there was wide individual variation. Younger children were less likely to perform reproducible tests than older children. However, a considerable proportion of the measurements (23%) did not meet the criteria of acceptable reproducibility. In order to improve the quality of home monitoring, nonreproducible measurements should be excluded from the calculations. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2000; 29:34–38.