Propagation of surface magnetoelastic waves on ferromagnetic crystal substrates

We present a theoretical study of the propagation of surface acoustic waves on a ferromagnetic crystal in the presence of magnetoelastic coupling. For parameters characteristic of YIG, with the sample magnetization and Zeeman field parallel to the surface, we examine the dispersion and attenuation of waves propagating in an arbitrary direction relative to the magnetization. In addition we detail the behavior of the polarization of the lattice motion and the demagnetizing fields set up by the wave. We study two distinct kinds of magnetoelastic surface waves: one is in essence a Rayleigh wave modified by the magnetoelastic coupling and the second a shearlike magnetoelastic surface wave that exists only in the presence of magnetoelastic coupling. These waves provide a short-wavelength probe of the Damon-Eshbach surface spin waves and of the nature of the bulk spin-wave eigenmodes near the surface.