MMPI (Spanish Translation) in Puerto Rican Adolescents: Preliminary Data on Reliability and Validity

The MMPI was translated into Puerto Rican Spanish, adapted on the basis of back-translation and judgment of local experts, anld applied to three groups of adolescents in Puerto Rico between the ages of 15 and 18: 321 female and 194 male normal high-school students; 18 female and 104 male clients at several Mental hlealth Centers; and 90 female and 58 male high school studenlts who lhad returned to Puerto Rico from the United States. Kuder-Riclhaidsoni 20 reliabilitv coefficients for the 3 validity anid 10 cliniical scales rainged fromIn .54 to .88. The mental health-center gIroup was foundl to differ from the two high school groups on all clinical scales except D and Hy. There were only three significant differenices between migrant and non-imigrant high school stdents. A few sex and age differenices also appeared, but were 1)oth less consistent and less pronouinced than those between mnental health centers and high school suibjects. These results are initerpretecl as providing preliminar-y inidicationis of clinical tutility of' the presenit tranislationi of the MNIPI with adolescents in Petirto Rico.