Roentgenographic Examination of the Metacarpophalangeal Joint

Roentgenographic examination of the metacarpophalangeal joints of the index, long, ring and the little fingers is carried out routinely in antero-posterior (AP) and oblique lateral projections, while pictures in the straight lateral projection of each joint are hard to evaluate because of overprojection of the other metacarpal bones and proximal phalanges. A technique was devised to examine each joint separately in the straingt lateral projection by means of tomography. This is presented together with the technique for examination of the joint in the AP-projection. The tomograms in the lateral projection were found to be more valuable when carried out in active maximal extension as well as flexion. The great advantage of this method, particularly in examinations for scientific evaluation, has been demonstrated in repeated postoperative studies of 98 metacarpophalangeal joints.