Analysis of collagen gene expression by cultured fibroblasts in morphoea

Collagen gene expression was studied in dermal fibroblasts derived from the inflammatory and sclerotic skin lesions of patients with localized or generalized morphoea. The levels of mRNA for type I collagen in early-passage fibroblasts derived from inflammatory lesions were higher than those obtained from the uninvolved skin, whereas those fibroblasts obtained from sclerotic lesions were unaltered. No alteration in type I collagen mRNA levels was observed in late-passage fibroblasts derived from the inflammatory lesions. The relative rate of collagen to total protein synthesis in earlypassage fibroblasts derived from inflammatory lesions was higher than that of fibroblasts from uninvolved skin, while no alteration or a slight decrease was observed in fibroblasts from the sclerotic lesions. The data suggest that the inflammatory reactions induce increased collagen synthesis by fibroblasts in the skin in scleroderma.