Identification of sex chromosomes in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush)

In the male trout there is a difference in the quinacrine banding and C-banding patterns between the two homologs of the second largest chromosome pair. This chromosome is the only large submetacentric in the karyotype, making it easy to identify and suggesting that the sex chromosomes have become differentiated since the time of tetraploidization. In males one homolog has a medium-to-large quinacrine bright heterochromatic band on the end of the short arm, while the other lacks it completely. In females both homologs have medium-to-large quinacrine bright heterochromatic bands. Approximately half the progeny from every lake trout cross studied and half the eggs from every lake trout population examined were heteromorphic for a difference in this chromosome band. Results from sexed fish, reciprocal F1hybrids between brook trout and lake trout, and gynogenetic haploids are all consistent with the interpretation that chromosome 2 is the sex chromosome. These results suggest that the addition of heterochromatin to the X can be the first step in the inhibition of crossing over between the X and Y chromosomes required for sex chromosome differentiation.

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