Extensive Defects of the Sino-Orbital Region: Results With Microvascular Reconstruction

We performed microvascular free-tissue reconstruction of extensive defects in the sino-orbital region in 11 patients. Reconstructions were immediate in 10 patients and delayed in one patient. There was loss of orbit in eight patients, maxilla in eight patients, cranial base in two patients, and skin and soft tissue of the face in six patients. Nine rectus abdominis flaps, one radial forearm flap, and one lateral arm flap were used. Palatal reconstruction with autologous tissue was successful in all patients. Cranial base repairs healed without sequelae or evidence of meningitis. Cosmetically, soft-tissue repair of facial skin was only satisfactory. For large defects, it was difficult to reconstruct the palate and facial soft tissue and to maintain nasal airway patency with a single microvascular procedure. Free-tissue transfers remain the safest and most versatile reconstructive procedure for massive sino-orbital defects after ablation of a tumor.