Johansson, Catja. Studies in gastrointestinal interactions. IV. Gastric emptying of a composite meal in man. The influence of glucose. Scand. J. Gastroent. 1973, 8, 533-39. Gastric emptying of a fluid standard test meal made up of milk protein, fat, and lactose was investigated in 7 healthy subjects and the effect of the addition of 10 per cent glucose to the meal was examined. Following the glucose-free meal the emptying of water, protein, and fat into the duodenum was constant after an early, short rapid phase. The pattern of emptying for lactose was exponential. After addition of glucose the emptying of the meal could be divided into two separate phases, an initial characterized by a constant transfer of sugar and comparatively small amounts of water, protein, and fat, and a second coinciding in rates and patterns with those of the glucose-free meals. The various food components were emptied with different patterns and rates. The results suggest that several mechanisms operate to control the gastric emptying rate during the course of emptying a composite meal.