Conidia and Conidial Germination in Leveillula taurica (Lèv.) Arn.

Septate conidiophores of Leveillula taurica, of the oidiopsis type, emerge from the endophytic hyphae through the stomata of the host leaf to the exterior. The conidia are formed in distinct chains and are abstricted in basipetal succession by a terminal generative cell. L. taurica possesses dimorphous conidia. The first-formed spore in the chain is pyriform but all subsequent ones are strictly cylindrical. The conidia germinate at any humidity between zero and ioo per cent and readily produce appressoria when in firm contact with the substratum. Mature conidia still attached to the conidiophore never germinate, but readily do so when detached from the conidiophore. Conidia held in detached chains germinate just as freely as single ones.

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