Toward a Theory of Afrocentric Organizations

Organizational psychology begins in the Eurocentric tradition of Western psychology and establishes that organizations have human-like qualities of culture, levels of consciousness, personality, cycles of growth and decline, effectiveness, and efficiency. Because of the high degree of societal organization found in ancient Kemet, it is probable that many organization and leadership concepts have their historicalfoundations in that early African civilization. This article conceptualizes the study of organizations from the Afrocentric orientation. Three organization types are conceptualized based on their philosophy or worldview, values, epistemology, and management practices. The Eurocentric organization is based on the Western orientation toward materialism, hierarchical control, bottom-line profits, and competition. The Afrocentric organization is based on the philosophical orientation of harmony, spirituality, and humanistic/people-oriented principles with basic administration elements that include support of all members, communal management style, and people over profits. It is theorized that this style of organization probably does not exist in its true form but remains a model to which African American businesses and organizations may strive. The enculturated organization is afunction of the African American s attempt to survive with a damaged self-concept and enslaved mentality. As a consequence, this type of organization embraces the values and principles of the dominant culture. It is a hybrid of Eurocentric materialism and control orientation with an Afrocentric personalism that maintains a neocolonial oppressive atmosphere. Case sample descriptions are providedfor clarification.