Gonorrhoea in Coventry 1991-1994: epidemiology, coinfection and evaluation of partner notification in the STD clinic

The aim of this study is to analyse the epidemiology of gonorrhoea in the Coventry area between 1991-1994 and the implementation and outcome of partner notification. A total of 404 episodes in 382 patients comprised the study group. In Coventry, 97% of episodes were managed in the STD clinic. There was a decrease in female and heterosexual male cases from 172 cases in 1991 to 37 cases in 1994 and increase in homosexual male cases from 8 in 1991 to 13 in 1994 ( P 0.0001). Chlamydial coinfection was found in 38%. Among patients with gonorrhoea, 33% were asymptomatic and 40% with gonorrhoea and chlamydia were asymptomatic. Ten per cent of index cases were asymptomatic as were 83% of contact cases < ( P 0.0001). The health advisers (HAs) interviewed 82% immediately and 94% at some time after diagnosis. Of the average 1.5 partners per patient identified, 0.31 partners per patient were already screened, another 0.4 partners per patient were traced, 0.37 partners per patient were not traced, and for 0.41 partners per patient notification outcome was unknown or unconfirmed. Partner notification of 278 index cases traced 163 primary or tertiary contacts, 115 were new cases of gonorrhoea. <

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