Some Comments on Glacier Flow

Drs. Orowan and Perutz have shown that glacier ice does not behave as a viscous fluid but is plastic like all crystalline materials. The present author discusses two observed types of ice flow:—(1) the normal, regular streaming flow in slow-moving glaciers; (2) Block-Schollen * movement in swiftly flowing ice. Mention is made of the shear plane or laminar flow theory of Philipp. lt appears that Orowan s thesis is also applicable to Block-Schollen flow. The author agrees with Orowan on the fundamental point that when ice is subjected to shear stress a critical value of the shear stress exists beyond which the ice alters its consistency. But the author disagrees with Orowan in that he believes that below this critical value ice behaves as a viscous material, and he supports this view by reference to many phenomena, measurements and calculations.

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