Leaf resistance for water vapor (total diffusion resistance minus boundary layer resistance), transpiration, and leaf temperature were measured in attached leaves of greenhouse-grown Xanthium strumarium L. plants that had been pretreated for 72 hours with high (40 C day, 35 C night), or low (10 C day, 5 C night) air temperatures. Measurements were made in a wind tunnel at light intensity of 1.15 cal cm(-2) min(-1), air temperatures between 5 and 45 C, and wind speed of 65 cm sec(-1). Leaf resistances in low temperature pretreated plants were higher (8 to 27 sec cm(-1)) than in controls or high temperature pretreated plants (0.5 to 3 sec cm(-1)) at leaf temperatures between 5 and 25 C. Thus, the pretreatment influenced stomatal aperture.