Adenosine diphosphate ribosylated histones

When rat liver nuclei were incubated with [adenine-3H]NAD, besides histone 1, histone 2A and especially histone 2B accepted 3H radioactivity. 3H radioactivity was also found on the non-histone proteins and on the small amounts of histones 1 and 3 released into the supernatant during incubation. [14C]Adenine uptake in vivo by liver and thymus nuclei showed radioactivity in histones 1 and 3. After digestion with Pronase and leucine aminopeptidase 14C- or 32P-labelled histone 3 released a serine phosphate-containing nucleotide, which on acid hydrolysis yielded ADP-ribose and serine phosphate. Serine phosphate was also found in the material from the nucleotide peaks from histones 2A and 2B. ADP-ribosylated histones 1 and 3 were more easily released from nuclei than their unmodified forms and showed higher [32P]Pi and [3H]lysine uptakes in vivo [Ord & Stocken (1975) FEBS Meet. Proc. 34, 113-125].