The Metabolism of [14c] Phenol by Native Australian Rodents and Marsupials.

The metabolic fate of injected phenol was investigated in marsupial and eutherian species. The animals covered a wide range of dietary groups and came from habitats varying from deserts to swamps. Metabolites identified were phenyl glucuronide, phenyl sulfate, quinol glucuronide and quinol sulfate. Proportion of these compounds varied with dose but a general pattern was apparent. Ratios of SO4 to glucuronide conjugates suggest that carnivorous or insectivorous animals rely more on H2SO4 for conjugation. Most herbivores and folivores show low levels of SO4 utilization, the brush-tailed opossum and koala being extreme cases. There is no correlation of habitat or rate of water turnover with metabolic profile for phenol or any evidence that marsupials and eutherians differ.