Physical mapping of herpes simplex virus-induced polypeptides

Analysis of the polypeptides induced by 29 herpes simplex virus type 1/type 2 intertypic recombinants and correlation of the data with the crossover points in the recombinant DNA enabled the map positions of many polypeptides to be deduced. These include 25 polypeptides which label with [35S]methionine, 11 which label with [32P]orthophosphate and 4 which label with [14C]glucosamine. Together with other data on the mapping of 5 immediate-early polypeptides, the results show that representatives of 4 groups of proteins (immediate-early, late, phosphorylated and glycosylated) map in both long and short regions. The functional organization of the herpes simplex virus genome does not therefore restrict any of these 4 groups to either the long or the short region.