Correlation ofBsμ+μand(g2)μin Minimal Supergravity

We analyze the decay mode Bsμ+μ in minimal supergravity (mSUGRA). We find that the recently measured excess in (g2)μ, if interpreted within mSUGRA, is correlated with a substantial enhancement of the branching ratio B(Bsμ+μ): if (g2)μ exceeds the standard model prediction by 4×109, B(Bsμ+μ) is larger by a factor of 10–100 and within reach of Run-II of the Tevatron. Thus the search for Bsμ+μ is a stringent test of the GUT scale relations of mSUGRA. An observation of Bsμ+μ at the Tevatron implies a mass of the lightest SUSY Higgs boson below 120 GeV. Bsμ+μ can also significantly probe SO(10) SUSY GUT models.