Bagger, H. The distribution of Xe‐133 in the left and right ventricular walls of dog hearts after left ventricular bolus injection. Acta physiol. scand. 1972. 84. 275– 283.Regional coronary blood flow was estimated in dogs by counting the activity in tissue blocks of the left and right ventricular walls after bolus injection of Xe‐133 into the left ventricular cavity.Myocardial uptake of the isotope was 1.7 times higher in the left than in the right ventricular wall, while comparison of the activities in the subepicardial half of the walls showed a ratio left/right of 1.5.The transport through the endocardial surface of the left ventricular wall was measured during constriction of the left coronary artery. Xe‐133 penetrates to a depth of 7 mm, indicating that transport across the endocardial surface might contribute to the activity of the subendocardial half of the wall.In the left ventricle the activity was higher (15 %) in the subendo‐ than subepicardial half of the wall, but in view of the transport across the endocardial surface, the amounts of xenon transported by the coronary arteries seem to be equal, indicating a uniform perfusion of the left ventricular wall. No differences appeared either between areas supplied by the anterior descending and circumflex branches of the left coronary artery or between the apex and the base.In the right ventricular wall there was no difference between subepi‐ and subendocardial activity.