Left intrahepatic cholangio-enteric anastomosis (round ligament approach): An effective palliative treatment for hilar cancers

Palliation of obstructive jaundice in patients with hilar cancer can be achieved either by surgical bypass or by intubation and drainage. A simple and effective technique is presented which gives excellent palliation without the need for tubes or stents: left intrahepatic cholangio-enteric anastomosis, using the duct of segment III (i.e. the inferolateral segment of the left liver). The procedure is performed by using the round ligament approach to the duct of segment III in the base of the umbilical fissure. A defunctioned loop of jejunum is then anastomosed to this duct. Over a period of 25 years, 48 patients with hilar cancer had this procedure in this unit. The operative mortality (death within 2 months) was 6 per cent and the complication rate was 17 per cent. Seventy-three per cent of patients had complete relief of jaundice and a further 23 per cent had partial relief. The mean survival was 9·2 months and the quality of life was excellent. These data suggest that this is a very satisfactory palliative technique for patients with hilar cancer who are not suited for radical tumour excision.