Myelination in the CNS depends on the ability of oligodendrocytes (Ols) to efficiently colonize the brain, differentiate, and express a precise balance of specific genes necessary for myelin synthesis. Mutations in these genes produce different types of dysmyelinisation in animal as in human. Defects in the synthesis of myelin constituents usually lead to mild dysmyelinations. In contrast, mutations affecting the gene encoding the proteolipid, another major protein of myelin, produce various perturbations of Ols biology suggesting a pleiotropic effect of the gene in the development of the CNS. Studies on expansion of cell population and survival have provided contradictory information on the extrinsic and intrinsic action of the gene on Ols biology. On one hand, in vitro studies using conditioned media as in vivo studies on heterozygotes, and transplantations experiments suggest that excess of programmed cell death in these mutants is ruled out by intrinsic factors which could act during embryonic life. On the other hand, attempts to compensate the gene defect by transgenic correction demonstrate a dominant negative effect of the jp mutation on both survival and functional potential of Ols. Finally, total suppression of PLP gene expression has a restricted effect on myelin structure without excess of cell death. These contradictory results are discussed in the perspective of regulation of cell death by competition for growth factors in limiting amount. The proposed model suggests that this contradiction is only apparent, and that excess of cell death in PLP/DM20 mutant is intrinsically determined by diminished competitivity of the mutant Ols for limited amounts of environmental factors.