Clinicopathological Features, Survival And Prognostic Factors Of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphomas: Trends in Incidence of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphomas and Primary Malignant Brain Tumors in A Well-Defined Geographical Area; Population-Based Data from the Danish Lymphoma Registry, Lyfo, And the Danish Cancer Reistry

It has been claimed that Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma! (PCNSL), a rare neoplasm accounting for only a small fraction of malignant brain tumors and extrancdal non-Hcdgkin lymphomas (NHL), occur with increasing frequency in immunologically normal as well as in immunocompromised individuals. In an attempt to characterize the clinicopathological features, outcome and prognostic factors of PCNSL we here report our experience in a large unselected series of patients from a well-defined region. In addition, we present data on trends in incidence of PCNSL and primary malignant brain tumors in a well-defined geographical area. In a Danish population-based NHL registry (LYFO) representing a population of 2.7 million all new cases of NHL were registered during the approximate I I-year period from 1st January 1983 to 3 1st May 1994. Incidence data of primary malignant tumors of the brain and central nervous system in western Denmark for the period 1971-1990 have been obtained from the Danish Cancer Registry. During the approximate I I-year period 3 124 new cases of NHL were registered. Of these, I 152 (37%) were extranodal and 48 were non-AIDS related PCNSL accounting for4.2% ofextranodal NHL and 1.5% of all NHL, respectively. The average annual incidence rate of non-AIDS related PCNSL during the period was I. 56 cases per million population (age range: 15-85 yrs, median: 62 yrs, MIF ratio: I).In a 23-year period there was no trend towards an increasing incidence of non-AIDS related PCNSL in a well-defined population. PCNSL accounted for 1.7% of all primary malignant brain tumors. Incidence of primary malignant brain tumors was stable, except for age ranges over 70 years. However, diagnostic artifacts might be responsible for this apparent increase. Histologically, 85% were high grade. Using the Kiel classification centroblastic diffuse (60%) and immunoblastic lymphoma (13%) were the most common subtypes. Forty-three patients had 6-cell lymphoma and no T-cell lymphoma was detected. Forty-seven cases were diagnosed pre mortem. Treatment included surgical resection (26 patients), whole brain irradiation (WBRT) (43 patients) and chemotherapy (28 patients). Median survival for those receiving either WBRT or WkRT and chemotherapy was 8 months and 20 months, respectively (p = 0.78). Overall survival was 53%. 38% and 26% at I, 2 and 5 years. Cox-regression analysis identified only one factor having independent impact on survival in PCNSL performance score 2 2 (pc 0.001. RR = 5.8