Formation of a compensatory polyamine by Escherichia coli polyamine-requiring mutants during growth in the absence of polyamines

The amounts of normal and compensatory polyamines of polyamine-requiring Escherichia coli mutants grown in the absence of polyamines were determined. Although aminopropylcadaverine, a compensatory polyamine, was synthesized by MA135 (speB) and DR112 (speA speB), no aminopropylcadaverine or only small amounts of aminopropylcadaverine were synthesized by EWH319 (speA speB speC speD) and MA261 (speB speC), respectively. The average mass doubling times of MA135, DR112, MA261, and EWH319 grown in the absence of polyamines were 113, 105, 260, and 318 min, respectively. The correlation of these values with the sum of spermidine plus aminopropylcadaverine suggested that aminopropylcadaverine is important for cell growth in the presence of limiting amounts of normal polyamines. This hypothesis is supported by the results of aminopropylcadaverine stimulation of the in vitro synthesis of polyphenylalanine and MS2 RNA replicase and of its stimulation of the growth of MA261. For the following reasons, it was concluded that aminopropylcadaverine was synthesized preferentially from cadaverine made by ornithine decarboxylase: aminopropylcadaverine was synthesized in relatively large amounts in cells (MA135 and DR112) which possess ornithine decarboxylase; ornithine decarboxylase catalyzed the decarboxylation of lysine in vitro, and the in vivo formation of aminopropylcadaverine was inhibited by an inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase.