Pion scattering to4states inC14

Angular distributions and excitation functions for inelastic scattering of π+ and π from C14 were measured at incident pion energies near the Δ33 resonance. Three states at excitation energies 11.7, 15.2, and 17.3 MeV were identified as 4 states. Isovector and isoscalar spectroscopic amplitudes Z0 and Z1, and equivalently, neutron and proton amplitudes Zn and Zp were deduced by comparison with microscopic distorted wave impulse approximation calculations. The 11.7-MeV state was found to be excited with a Zn/Zp amplitude ratio of -1/3, resulting in a complete cancellation of the π+ cross section. A nearly pure proton excitation was observed for the transition to the 17.3-MeV state. Both results are in qualitative agreement with the presented shell-model calculations. A poor correspondence with theory is found for the 15.2-MeV state. Data and distorted-wave impulse approximation calculations using shell-model wave functions are presented for the first 3 state at 6.73 MeV as an example of a transition dominated by ΔS=0 (no spin transfer). Its excitation function and angular-distribution shape contrast sharply with the transitions to the 4 states that proceed by ΔS=1.