A cytoarchitectonic study of the hypothalamus of the lizard, Calotes versicolor

Summary The hypothalamic nuclei of the lizard, Calotes versicolor, can be broadly divided into ‘AF-positive’ Footnote 1 and ‘AF-negative’. The AF-positive cell complexes include the nucleus supraopticus, nucleus paraventricularis, and a few interconnecting bridge cells. In addition, some AF-positive neurones are also observed in the median eminence. As many as 15 AF-negative nuclei-like accumulations of nerve cells can be identified in the hypothalamus. The nucleus periventricularis hypothalami of earlier authors is subdivided into eight circumscribed neuronal complexes. In addition, a few AF-negative nuclei, e.g. nucleus subfornicalis, nucleus ventralis tuberis, nucleus med. recessus infundibuli, nucleus lat. recessus infundibuli and nucleus praemamillaris, are regarded for the first time as anatomical entities. The distribution of the hypothalamic nuclei and their cytoarchitectonic features are described at the light microscopical level. An attempt has been made to interprete the nuclei identified in the present study on a comparative and phylogenetic basis.